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Radio Free Oz: Banana Clip Republic: Week of 1-17-2011
Mon, 17 Jan 2011 12:30:45

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Banana Clip Republic: Week of 1-17-2011

Today's conversation is a combination fund drive and Oz show. Dave and I lay out what we need to keep Radio Free Oz on the air and in your ears-$2000 by the end of the month to be exact. The moneys will go to pay for studio, materials and bandwidth. Oz has a steady following of 2000 aficionados who download us on a regular basis-the base is there to make this happen. So, you all go over to that "Piss Off Karl Rove" Donation Button and get in the loop.

This week we start off with David's newest poem "Opening Day," inspired by the great photo of John Boehner about to put down Nancy Pelosi with that oversized gavel.

Then we address the shooting in Arizona and the toxic political environment that laid the groundwork for that murderous event. We talk about "Sarah Crosshairs'" role in the debacle, and the outrageous fulminations of Ripe Limbaugh. Then there's the flurry of activity on both sides of the aisle in Congress to pass new laws restricting the amount of ammo you can stuff into an automatic pistol. As if the size of clip is the issue.

We move on to the economy, always a pleasant sojourn. We take off from my two latest blogs, Drafted Into The Army Of The Unemployed and The New New Deal-Tax Policy to figure out some way to get us out of this terrible jam we're in.

Hope you enjoy this second in our series of extended, intimate conversations. And don't forget to help us reach that $2000 goal.

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