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Tue, 10 May 2011 14:50:20

It's possible that the President's decision to go to Texas to promote immigration reform may be as political as it is passionate, but where's the surprise? One bully pulpit versus two-hundred plus bullies in the House is the reality that Obama has to work with. No meaningful immigration reform is going to happen until the Democrats control both houses of Congress, and that's only going to come about if the President keeps and increases his hold on the Hispanic vote.

You'd think the Republicans would read the demographic tea leaves and change their well earned image as nasty, Limbaugh-led xenophobes. The birther brouhaha that Boehner and McConnell winked at, and The Donald trumped, has so poisoned the GOP's relationship with America's immigrant community that the Elephant may never graze in that neighborhood again.

It's a good thing that the Democratic Hispanic caucus is keeping the heat on Obama. He has the power to stop the deportation of undocumented college students and young illegals who would qualify for citizenship once the Dream Act gets the nod. Who better than the "Not-Me" in the White House, whose citizenship and patriotism has been slandered and libeled by the wing-nuts on the Right, to defend our immigrant community, under attack from the same ill-informed and unforgiving souls.

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