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Radio Free Oz: The Anti-Christ vs. The Auto Pen
Mon, 30 May 2011 11:30:02

We're well into the first week of our Summer Fund (and summer not) Drive, with over 10% of our $3000 goal already in the kitty. Dave and I reveal all the groovy premiums available, which you can check out on the Radio Free Oz home page.

Then, it's on the the Apocalypse, which has been put off til October. Nonetheless, Dave and I remain on Apocalypse Watch. I happened upon the Lady Gaga free concert in Central Park on TV, and have to include her post-modern voodoo extravaganza as one of the sure signs of the End Times. Then there's Obama signing the re-up of the Patriot Act by auto pen from his perch at the G-8. Maybe he was too hungover from his chugalugging in Ireland to hold his Montpelier steady. Fiat by auto pen, a sure sign that the anti-Christ is on the way.

Looks like the Republicans are making a sport of taking a trip on the Path To Prosperity, which may indeed end up their road to nowhere.

Sarah Palin, it seems, is moving to Arizona where she can get a tan rather than the tanning she'd suffer if she runs for the White House. Her evil twin, Michelle Bachmann looks to be throwing her hairdo into the ring, ready to do battle against the President she tagged as "anti-American." Can you blame her?

We offer up the Firesign Theatre's Bozos Song from their "Fighting Clowns" show as a musical break, and return with my poem, Too Big To Fail, the saga of the Wall Street washout.

We bemoan the sorry state of America's middle class; and David takes us out with a taste of Tang-Tu Fu's Spring Poem, a charming idyl of a simpler time.

Please get involved with the Fund Drive, and show us you love Oz as much as we do.

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