Radio Free Oz: Congress Says The Dog Ate Their Homework: Week Of 7-4-2011
Mon, 04 Jul 2011 11:30:10
Congress Says The Dog Ate Their Homework: Week Of 7-4-2011
Happy Forth Of Julie everybody. We're all having a great time while the Congress has been kept after school because they didn't finish their homework like those two industrious Obama girls.
David and I talk about a nation that can't seem to deal with the big issues because it's all so overwhelming. Add to this the fact that only 58% of those polled recently knew that America declared its independence in 1776; and over a quarter didn't know what country we declared our independence from!
Minnesota has shut down over the inability of the Republican majority in the legislature to accept a 2% tax on the wealthiest residents of that state as a means of closing a five billion dollar deficit. So, they closed down the parks and furloughed 23,000 state employees. Five other states are close behind.
The Census Bureau does a projection of the world in 2050 and finds India number one in population, China slipping to second and America remaining third. But, here's a stunning fact, one out of every child in America under the age of two is an ethnic minority. Why doesn't someone tell the GOP that immigrant bashing is political suicide?
Our favorites the Western Heroes favor us with a song and David takes us out with Li Ho's July poem.
The Summer Fund Drive ends this week half way to our goal. At the same we learn that thousand people a day are downloading Oz, up a full forty percent! How about we see a little green from all you folks. Anyway, have a safe and reasonably sane holiday. David and I will be back with you next week, and I will fill the void with new editions of Everything You Know Is Wrong.