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Tue, 26 Jul 2011 20:59:31

It's getting much too scary up there in Washington, so after I review the crazy mess, I call the President on the phone and give him some valuable advice.

I read a blog I found on Talking Points Memo that outlines all the good, progressive things we've gotten out of Obama in the last two years. Liberals are so hard on their own. Like I say, if you can't fly like Harry Potter and pull swords out of stone like King Arthur, you're a disappointment.

I end with the first of the four limericks I have penned on the GOP candidates. Today it's Rick Perry.

Rick Perry is saying, "Yo, ho!

The polls say I'm picking' up mo.

I think I can win, mates,

I'm the Gov who kills inmates.

Yeah, I'm ready to join the big show."


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