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Radio Free Oz: Wake Up And Smell The Real Deficit
Wed, 10 Nov 2010 06:05:41

Wake Up And Smell The Real Deficit

They never met a tax they didn't hate. Stop The Bus. Don't Go To School

Let's keep Google honest. Slashtags For Everybody

Is Iott's SS uniform back from the cleaners? He's got More Time For Reenacting

A lot of lava in Java. Living In Sight Of A Volcano

They're an equal opportunity polluter. BP The Rogue In Alaska

He's so cute, let's build him an institute. Bullhorns For Bush

Josh Woodward is back. History Repeats Itself

Is this the beginning of the end. Will The Deadlock Kill Us All?

He's come to apologize for the face behind Facebook. Sorkin Knocking

It was the economy all along. Wake Up And Smell The Real Deficit

It's morning in homophobia. A Shot Across The Judicial Bow

In the end, we are all deadlocked. It's Not About Governing, It's The Spin

Here's Yerry! Empire Jeopardy "Red Cloak For Breakfast"

Keep the turbans out of Tulsa. OK. Says No To Shariah

Mama Grizzly is toxic. Palin The Loser

A tip of the comedy chapeau to The Other Black Comedians

Time to take it back. No Tom Paine - No Gain

A patient Tang poem. Little Buds, Don't Rush It

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