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Radio Free Oz: Just Say Noah To Global Warming
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 06:05:46

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Just Say Noah To Global Warming

Sarah Palin is Teddy Roosevelt With Better Teeth

The oceans are on an acid trip. Goodbye To Young Coral

Call up your congressman and ask them, "Which is it?" Global Warming or Global Weirding

For Shimkus it's a no sweat salvation. He can Just Say Noah To Global Warming

The lead singer is nothing but pixels. Light Sticks And Holograms

The super rich are worried because Nancy Won't Budge

Show 'em it's real. Tattoo "Potato" On The Potatoes

Dana Lyons croons that June Is Coming

At least she scares the hell out of Karl Rove. The Toxic Beauty Queen

Amazon has trouble letting go of its Kinder Gentler Pedophiles

GM lights up as GE Charges Ahead

Is the Tea Party an inflation monster? Home School Your Taxes

Su Shih observes the fishermen. He Laughs At The Human World Both Past And Present

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