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Radio Free Oz: Michelle Signs The Pledge and Rick Throws The Switch: Week Of 7-11-2011
Mon, 11 Jul 2011 11:30:54

Michelle Signs The Pledge and Rick Throws The Switch: Week Of 7-11-2011

David and I are recording this week's Oz on a truly odd day -- 7/9/11 - one of only six days in this century that is represented by three consecutive odd numbers. Only two left- 9/11/13 and 11/13/15.

NASA has sent up its last rocket. Rather see us go up in space than up in smoke in the Far East.

Governor Perry took time off from his budding presidential bid to execute the prisoner that the International Court of Justice and The White House asked him not to. What a guy!

Michelle Bachmann signed "The Marriage Vow" which pledges her undying opposition to same sex relations at any level, polygamy, pornography and Sharia law -to name only a few. She is going to regret it.

America is getting fatter and fatter at a fatter rate.

Josh Woodward calls for Revolution Now; and David does a beautiful reading of Wang Wei's My Chung Nan Cottage.

We'll be sending out the Fund Drive Premiums soon; and there's still time to contribute and snap them up, unless you're afraid of losing your place in the Free Lunch Line.

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